In Kenosha As In Heaven

Gather on Sundays
Our Sunday Gatherings are the primary way we gather as a church to worship together, learn from Scripture, pray for one another, and create space to hear from the Spirit. We gather to celebrate what God has done, is doing and promises to do in our lives through the Holy Spirit and the work of Jesus.
Join in person @ 10am, 5631 6th Ave. Downtown Kenosha
Practicing the Way of Jesus
We believe that to be a disciple of Jesus of Nazareth is to order our life around three goals: be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Our hope is that as we live this way, our lives, our communities, and our city will be transformed and flourish.

Living in Community
More than two hours on a Sunday, church is about sharing life together. We are made for community. At DayBreak we don’t want to compete against the demanding calendars of peoples lives, so to help people connect with one another we break into groups periodically throughout the year. We gather during the week around the table to be the people of Jesus in our neighborhoods. This is how we practice the way of Jesus together in Kenosha.
We want to serve our city and our church family well. There are many opportunities to serve both on Sundays and throughout the week. We are a family and like a family we all must pitch in.

We want to partner with Jesus to support our city and our church family. We dream of becoming a church marked by extravagant generosity.
About Us